3 Tips to Self-Publish Your Book on Amazon Now
You’ve got a great idea brewing in your head that you know will make for a great book on Amazon, yet you have no clue of even how to start or where to look on how to get published. And you’ve been sitting in front of your computer for what feels like FOREVER trying to figure it all out.
Is this you?
YES! How’d you know, Andrea?
Because friend… well, I’ve been there. And going on a quick google search on how to do it isn’t going to cut it. Besides, you’ll probably end up feeling frustrated and overwhelmed trying to figure out all the things.
And before you begin asking “Who are you?” to even give advice on this, let me share a little story.
My First Source of Passive Income
A book on Amazon was my first source of “passive” income – all online. This happened to me back in 2018 and is currently happening to me right now in 2021 again. And since then, I’ve gone on to help others do it too. Except for what took me 6 months time, they did it in 30 days or less following my Self-Publish Magic course.
And, what if you’re on a budget and can’t afford the course? No problem, because I got you! You can grab my newest book Get Your Book on Amazon out now! I break it down in easy, digestible step-by-step for you on how to publish your book.
And the WONDERFUL thing about this? You don’t need to be a professional writer. That means that everyone can do it because I did it. And I will show you how in my course and book!
This was the book I self-published back in 2018 that became my first source of passive income — all online.
3 Easy Tips to Start NOW!
I’m going to be real with you though - the hardest part of writing a book is sitting down to write it. And, even though I can’t do THAT for you, I can share with you 3 easy tips you can do NOW to start getting your book published. We’ll be going over:
Finding ideas on what to write about
What tools to use
How to stay focused
Let’s get right to it!
Finding Ideas on What to Write About
Finding ideas on what to write about may seem hard at first, thinking you don’t know where to start, but you do have something. All you need to do is dig around a little bit. I go in-depth about how to do this in my book and course, but these are a few ways you can get started.
Identify a starting point
Start in general and think about the kind of book you want to write. Are there any categories or genres you’re interested in? Write those down! What about any kind of books you’ve been liking recently? Try to find something or just anything that you have a liking for as your starting point.
Search for inspiration
If you feel stuck and can’t wait for inspiration to strike, you can actually use something like pictures or video to help. While you’re going through them, put aside any that you feel emotion over. You can create a folder on your computer and group them together. This helps create a sense of the tone of the book you’re trying to go for.
Start brainstorming
Take a piece of paper and start writing all your thoughts down. Let your ideas, feelings, and concepts just flow. What I like to do is write down ideas in a list format, using numbers or bullet points. Maybe you’re writing down the content you’ve created, or maybe it's an idea that just pops in your head. Either way, write it down!
2. What Tools to Use
These are some of the writing tools that I used when I wrote my first book, and I know they’ll help you, too. You wouldn’t want to write without using these tools ever again as they’ll help you become an insanely efficient writer. Just remember, even though they’re great to use, don't rely solely on them as you should always do multiple edits of your work.
This tool helps you catch any grammar or spelling mistakes that you’ve missed. I love how this simple tool can auto-correct misspellings and grammar errors so that you can correct them right away as you type.
Google Docs
If you’re not using this now, you need to start! You can use this for writing, editing, and sharing. It’s also great for collaborating on different projects you may have.
This can be a great resource for finding inspiration. It gives you a good idea of how people approach and converse about real-life topics, and what questions they’re specifically asking about the topic you’ve chosen to write about.
3. How to Stay Focused
If you have the discipline and focus to sit down and write, you could start calling yourself an author in 30 days or less. Just think, when you’re laser-focused on something, you’re able to finish it in record time. Sometimes even surprising yourself how fast it took to accomplish it. Let’s talk about some things that are time-suckers, and what you can do to overcome them.
Netflix and chill
This should be more like NO Netflix and chill. It’s easy to be at home on the couch, thinking you’ll just watch one episode, only to find yourself binge-watching that series or movie. Try to find an area at home where you won’t be distracted, away from the tv. You can even go to a local cafe or library.
Social media
Look, I get it. I too love scrolling on Instagram and Tiktok to catch the latest viral dances or laugh at funny memes. But you can fall into a rabbit hole scrolling and consuming content, and before you know it, hours have already passed. Try cutting down your social media usage in half, and you could finish a book in 32 days, or say 2 months if you want to take a break and not rush it.
Social gatherings
How much time do you spend every time you go out with friends, considering getting dressed, going to the place, and hanging out? Those outings can take up half the day or night. Try limiting (I didn’t say eliminate!) those outings, and you’d find you have the time you need to finish your book.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, friends! The 3 tips you can start taking action right now. Writing the book will take the most time, but once you get organized and do it, the publishing part is easy if you have a step-by-step guide on how to do it!
That’s why I made both the Self-Public Magic course, and my newest book Get Your Book on Amazon guide which will help you with ALL the steps of self-publishing.
As always, I am here to help my community. Be sure to slide into my DMs if you have any additional comments or questions -- it’s what this Remote Work Queen is here for! Also, be sure to share your wins and successes with @itsatravelod.